1.1 The Royal Farms
MON1.1 1.1 The Royal Farms
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Running alongside the wall surrounding the Park, which in the 19th century, also became the site of agricultural experiments, one rea-
ches the 18th century farmhouse which hosts the Stork Centre.
Further North, there is the Migliabruna Royal Farmhouse, a spectacular example of 19th century rural architecture, with its buildings symme-
trically arranged around the courtyard.
Leaving this locality, one follows the ancient “Grande route de Turin par Migliabruna” which linked the watercraft ports (ferries) on the River Po to the North gate of the Park which was the main entrance for monarchs and their guests.
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12035 Racconigi CN, Italia
Racconigi, cyclomonviso -
8 Km
1 h
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